Friday, August 8, 2014

Summer in the City

So much to love about summer in the city, especially this city.  Lately, we have been enjoying blowing bubbles in the bakfiets as we roll through town, soaking up the summer energy and sunshine.

We keep busy and cool (not that we are ever too hot here) by hitting up the fountain scene (favorites include Rijksmuseum, Vondelpark and Beatrix Park).

We eat lots of ice cream with friends and by myself after the kids go to bed.

We deal with tourists, lots of them.  Sometimes we take their picture - see below, nerd alert.  Usually they take they point at our bike.  We have gotten really good at hamming it up for their cameras.

We are also being tourists ourselves, and loving it!  Some really good friends arrive in a week and we can't wait to host and share this our city with them.

As much as we are loving summer in the city, I do have to say that I enjoyed and agree with the POV of Wim Pijbes, the Director of the Rijksmuseum.  

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