Monday, March 26, 2012


In Jamaica I read Bringing Up Bebe, and like every other maman that reads it I couldn't wait to see how my kids did with the yogurt cake recipe

They did alright, and had a blast.  I really tried to hold back (the whole point of the recipe is that small kids are supposed to be able to do it alone), but ended up feeling like a bit of a control freak.  It was SO HARD to let them pour, mix, etc. without jumping in.  So I jumped in a little. 

Super fun project.  We'll They'll do it again.  The cake turned out pretty well.  We They added in strawberries and Nutella.  I think next time we'll they'll try chocolate chips. 


Leah said...

I'm getting better, but honestly, baking with my children is one of my least favorite things to do--I have a VERY hard time letting go! It's always a test in patience for me and I'm not necessarily proud to admit that...

Christina said...

Looks delicious!

Ms. Mayhem said...

Please tell me you laughed out loud when the author described how the french husband grabbed a croissant during the birth of their child and the mother freaked out.

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