Friday, February 24, 2012


This is a good parenting read.  Let's all slow down, shall we?
Everyone is talking about Bringing up Bebe. I haven't read it yet, but from what I am hearing I think O's dad should have written it and I am thankful that O has inherited his Papa's good frenchie instincts and parenting values.


Ms. Mayhem said...

downloading book now.

hvk said...

havent read "bebe" either but did read the article you linked, and perhaps i should consider myself lucky because i have "children who don’t require snacks all day long, who sleep through the night, who behave in restaurants, and whose parents have time in the evening to themselves." sheesh- i am sorry for the people that don't have those things, but i fear that one book on parenting isn't going to turn it all around...! just sayin.
ps- LOVE the map quilts!!

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