Monday, September 27, 2010

Portland History Lesson

This weekend I went on a long (longest post baby) run.  I ran by the dockside and thought I'd share a photo and some portland history with my blog family. 

Do you know why this place is famous?  Well, I'm glad you asked...

"On January 30, 1994, Kathy Peterson was emptying the garbage (at the Dockside) when she came upon several bags of trash that somebody had left in the dumpster. Upon examination of the garbage some very damaging evidence was found that led Tonya and her associates to be found guilty of the Nancy Kerrigan “club” incident. The most damaging paper that was found was an envelope with information concerning Nancy Kerrigan's practice schedule at her home rink the Tony Kent Arena. The handwriting was found to be Tonya's. She had earlier denied any involvement in the whole affair, but the garbage proved otherwise."

You didn't know I was such a history buff, did you?

1 comment:

ashley said...

really?? why were they examining the garbage in the first place??

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