Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Balance - Part Deux

As promised, I am checking back in with you about balance...

I have been back to work for several months now...and I must say...I LOVE it. I LOVE it like I have never loved work before. I only work 2 days (was 3, now 2), and it's pretty great.

I must also say that the hardest day at work is way easier than the most average day at home with a baby. Without a doubt, full time mom-ing is the hardest.

At this moment, I feel like I really have this balance thing pretty well sorted out. For now. And...I am so confident that will all change when #2 arrives in a few short months. However, I think the balance thing is always evolving...that is part of it.

I also think that I am soooooooo glad I came back to work, because for me it was the right move.

Who knows how I'll feel on this topic 6 months and a year and 5 years from now. But right now...I feel GREAT. How about you? We girls can have it all!

PS - I got the above image here.


Ms. Mayhem said...

I agree being at home is alot more exhausting than the quiet confines of my office. The adult conversation and mental challenge is good, but I love the smiles at home better. It is a balance (and most days I agree) we can have it all. Of course, the minute I say that "the other shoe could drop!" or I invite two six year olds for a sleepover.

Mary said...

speaking of balance, i'm typing this with one hand while holding the baby in the other. ;-) glad you have a good balance - it's so important to find the right answer for you, and as you said, it's something that must often be reevaluated. i will let you know how things change for us once i return to work as a mom of two. wish me luck and well done!

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