Saturday, January 31, 2009

The Old Days

This cartoon reminded me all too much of the old days. In the old days O and I were both traveling full time for work.

We'd hop on (separate) planes each Monday, and we'd be back by Friday(Thursday night (late) if we were lucky). We kept that nonsense up for years (he did it for almost 5 years). He spent months in Peoria, Minneapolis, Poughkeepsie (how do you spell that?!?), somewhere in Iowa, Boise...I spent months and months and months in Memphis.

Even after we moved to PDX I spent the first 6 months traveling back to Boston EACH WEEK for work. I do not miss going directly to work after those Sunday redeyes (not even direct...I had to go through JFK). What on earth was I thinking?! Yuck.

No regrets...but I am sure glad that those are the old days....thinking of that makes the current days even sweeter. La vie est belle!


You Are My Fave said...

That really sounds awful. I'm not a big fan of planes.

Is Portland really sunny or you trying to trick people into moving there?

Mary said...

I know - it's crazy how long we kept that up! I can't imagine going back to it now.

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