Friday, June 13, 2008

WKF on the Brain

O and I sure made a beautiful baby!!!! We are so in love with him.

I think he sleeps too much, I want him to play with me more. I will talk to the doctor about this today when we go in for a check up.

I wake up in the middle of the night and i just wait for him to wake up.

Sleep deprived? Whatever...I seriously want to sleep less and play with him more. I love that he feeds every 2 hours around the ensures that he and I get lots of quality time.

Experienced moms tell me that I will get tired, but as of today (Day 6) I am still on a WKF high, cannot get enough of him! I don't want to be the mom that cries about lack of sleep...I find that to be annoying. Remind me of this if I start crying about lack of sleep, ok?

A few random thoughts from WKF...

When will I meet Mimi in person? They tell me that she was fighting off a cold, so its nice of her to keep her distance. But I must say, the anticipation is just killing me. I live so close to her...and yet we have not yet met. Her fab fiance (Uncle Bobby) came to see me in the hospital...but no Mimi. Mimi made all of my welcome home signs...but where has she been?! Last night she and I had a dad brought me out to the front porch around 11:30pm, we turned on the spotlight so Mimi could see me...and she and I said good night from afar....

Here is a picture of me leaving the hospital (finally...4 days was a bit much...don't you think?!) How cute do I look in my car seat?? My dad did a great job of getting me home safely.

After 14 hours of labor, they rushed us in for an emergency C-section...they told my mom some nonsense about my heart "crashing"...whatever, I just wanted to get out of there, I was ready to enter the world!!!! My ticker is fine everyone! My mom is so funny...through all the drama, she managed to avoid the dreaded hospital gown. She wore a super cute night gown, even for the emergency surgery. Countless nurses and docs (with good intention) tried to encourage her to sport a gown, but she politely declined all offers...she had a pile of cute gowns of her own and she was determined to wear them. She wanted the docs to focus on being docs, and she could focus on the one thing she could control, her outfit. Dad and I think she's a bit ridiculous, but she is the princess of this family...we are just the dudes, so we let her be.

I am the talk of the blogosphere...check me out here at MissBoQuiss's blog. And Portland Sunshine got well over 100 hits yesterday when mom finally started posting about me. For such a small guy, I'm a pretty big deal. Look out world...

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